Smart Accessible Classroom

Project summary


Advancements in technology have seen the advent of smart homes and buildings become the norm rather than the exception, so what about the application of the concept and tools in the classroom and corporate offices?

The Technology 4 Learning Team in conjunction with other specialised teams from across the department are determined to explore the concept and work to determine its viability as well as its affordances to make both classrooms and corporate offices more accessible to all users.

The project aims to explore the affordances of smart home technology to empower a number of scenarios. With respect to the Disability Implementation Action plan a number of these are relevant:

  • Accessibility in and to the classroom / corporate office
    • Smart access
    • Smart furniture
    • Smart beacons / guidance systems
  • Routines to decrease task physicality in the classroom / corporate office
    • Environmental monitoring and automated routines (e.g. increased temperature >> blinds down and aircon on)
    • Smart routines (end of day / start of day / holiday periods)
    • Classroom routines
    • Smart infrastructure (lighting / blinds / sound / air systems)
  • Learning opportunities delivered through smart classrooms and increased awareness of universal design principles
    • Individualised classroom support
    • Coding and computational thinking opportunities
The project aims to identify possible solutions for new build projects as well as possible packs for implementation in existing buildings.


The project aims to alleviate hurdles to empowered access to spaces and experiences in the classroom. It will enable all users to without assistance access and utilise spaces as equal participants in both work and learning.

What will success look like?

The project’s success factors tied to the Disability Implementation Action Plan are listed below, note there are additional success factors for the project team in addition to the information below tied to ethical, technical and other aspects of the project.
Success Factor Success Looks Like Notes


Classroom accessible to all students and teachers (Qualitative assessment by accessibility team)

Corporate offices more accessible to corporate staff

(Qualitative assessment by accessibility team)

Focus Group / Survey

Focus Group / Survey

Timesaving / Physicality

Time saving routines or routines that decrease physicality are able to be developed and identified as useful by classroom and school users (Qualitative assessment)

Focus Group / Survey

Teaching and learning

Smart classrooms empower individualised programs that allow for a focus on Universal Design Principles

Focus Group / Survey

Once completed the project team will:

  • Provide a written report to the Disability Implementation Action Group
  • Release possible implementation models in the form of a feature article in Magazine.T4L and also provide advice to teams from Schools Infrastructure for incorporation in to new and refurbishment projects for both corporate and school sites
  • Work with procurement to ensure the inclusion of these tools on EdBuy (STEM Tools)
  • Deliver a discussion of the project with key industry stakeholders on the Virtual Staffroom Podcast
  • Facilitate online and in person professional learning sessions to groups as required

How will success be measured?

As outlined above the projects success factors are largely qualitative and will be derived from both focus groups and surveys completed during the pilot stage.

These pilots will cover the multitude of scenarios and span both corporate and school sites.

Additionally, the teaching and learning aspects will be assessed by curriculum specialists from the Disability and Inclusion team.

Key project milestones

The project will proceed in a number of stages, with the administrative aspects large project dependencies and as a consequence early gates to the project. Classroom and corporate scenarios, implementations models and tools will be engaged early (to enable the administrative aspects to be explored) and developed further based on the success of the administrative aspects of the project:

Project Stage Timeframe Notes

Project Scoping

Term 2 Week 2


Base Tool Identification

Term 2 Week 2

Complete (stage 1)

Technical POC

Term 2 Week 10

Dependent on above steps

Classroom Scenario / Corporate Office Scenario Development

Term 3 Week 7

Dependent on above steps (Tools available)

Ethical and Legal Considerations

Term 3 Week 10

Work to begin post technical POC (Initial testing coverage complete)

In School / Corporate Office Pilot

Term 4 Weeks 2-6

Dependent on above steps

Publication of Implementation Models

Term 1 2022

Dependent on above steps

Project Governance

  • Division: Operations Group
  • Project executive: Executive Director, Customer Experience and Service Delivery (CESD)    
  • Project lead: Lead, Schools Technology Innovation
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