Understanding our assets
Project summary
Scope a project or projects to gain an understanding of the accessibility or compliance status of our existing assets.
The Benefits
This work will help School Infrastructure (SINSW) to identify the requirements on a site by site basis to meet current standards.
What will success look like?
The Department to understand at a detailed level the requirements at each site to meet current standards.
How will success be measured?
Full extent of work required at each site if an upgrade occurs.
Key project milestones
- Digital models of each site, both internal and external, rolling 5 year programme to survey and review each site
- Building Code of Australia (BCA) Assumptions developed and analysis undertaken to understand level of accessibility provided based on date of building completion (using Asset Management System data)
Project Governance
- Division: School Infrastructure
- Project executive: Executive Director, Asset Management
- Project lead: Group Director, Asset Management