SEF SaS by Location

(note: This guide is still under construction).
The Metrics by Location report provides key statistics for a school, drawn from multiple data sources, in an easy to access format.

How will this report benefit me?

These reports will help principals identify key statistics for their school in a single place. The SEF Self Assessment report gives a visual representation of the school’s progress towards each of the fourteen elements of the SEF.

What does the Metrics by Location report provide?

This one page report presents information on:

Educational Outcomes

  • This includes key metrics for a school including enrolment, attendance, ICSEA, FOEI, Aboriginality, and some NAPLAN results.
  • For each metric, school values are compared to statistically similar schools (SSSG).
  • Click the link in the “Link” column to go to the appropriate report in Scout for more information on that metric.

NAPLAN % in Top 2 Bands over Time

  • The percentage of students in the top 2 bands for NAPLAN Reading and Numeracy assessments at the school.
  • The number displayed is the latest year of available data.
  • The trend line is the trend for all years of available data.

NAPLAN % At or Above NMS over Time

  • % of students who were above the National Minimum Standard in all NAPLAN assessments at the school.
  • The number displayed is the latest year of available data.
  • The trend line is the trend for all years of available data.

How can I use the Metrics by Location report to support my school self assessment?

As stated in the leading domain of the SEF, strong, strategic and effective leadership is the cornerstone of school excellence. Use of the summary data in the reports contained in the School Dashboard provides school leaders with a profile of their school community and an overview of progress towards achieving excellence in all elements of the School Excellence Framework.

Leaders in excellent schools ensure that operational issues, such as resource allocation and accountability requirements, serve the overarching strategic vision of the school community.

What should I look for?

The Dashboard report provides a snapshot or profile of the school and will help principals identify key statistics for their school in a single place.

Where does this data come from?

This dashboard combines data from several sources including:
  • ERN

How frequently is data updated?

  • ERN – daily
  • NAPLAN – annually
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