Data Grid - Current

About this report


Data Sources: Multiple; varies for each indicator
Updated: Varies by target/benchmark

Designed for

The Data Grid-Current report is designed for Directors, Educational Leadership, and Executive Directors. The information displayed in each report will be specific to each respective user, i.e. school-based staff will only view results for their own school.


How can I use this report?

This report provides a table of all targets and benchmarks for each school. The list includes up to date measures including the type, name, and current value for the selected school or schools in a selected network. Columns

What should I look for?

The data available in this report provides users with actual numbers across all key measures for detailed analysis.

Image: Overview of the Data Grid

Using the report

Select results with slicers

Select a directorate, network and school name to adjust the information to be displayed on the report. There are also options to filter by primary or secondary, a Bushfire impacted school. For users selecting multiple schools at a time, a single KPI can be selected.

Image: Selection slicers

Multiple selections can be made by holding control and clicking additional boxes.

Want to learn more?


  • School operations
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