School Dashboard

About this report


Data Sources: Multiple; varies for each indicator.

Updated: Varies for each indicator.

Designed for

Most reports within the School Dashboard app are viewable by principals and school leaders, Directors, Educational Leadership, and Executive Directors. The information displayed in each report will be specific to each respective user, i.e. school-based staff will only view results for their own school.


How can I use this report?

The School Dashboard report provides a visual overview of the current position regarding benchmarks and school target indicators for a selected school.

What should I look for?

The report displays all indicators as links to the corresponding report, as well as a colour code indicating the current status. A summary of current status across all indicators and targets is featured at the bottom of the report as an overview for the selected school.

Image: School Dashboard report in Scout

Using the report

Make a selection

Use the drop-down menu in the top left to select a school. This will generate and display the report.

Image: Select school with slicer

View the indicators

Each indicator on the dashboard is a link to the corresponding report for further details.

Image: Indicators and targets and influencing factors chart example

Note: Further details on the criteria can be found by hovering over each coloured circle.

School target / benchmark indicator colour code:

  • Red - Actual progress is currently below the annual trajectory lower bound (for targets) or below the benchmark;
  • Blue - Actual progress is between annual trajectory lower bound and upper bound, but below agreed target lower bound (for targets);
  • Amber – Actual progress is close the benchmark;
  • Green - Actual progress is currently above the annual trajectory upper bound, but below agreed target lower bound (for targets), or above the benchmark;
  • Green with Gold Star - Actual progress is currently above the agreed target lower bound.
  • Grey – no target set or no recent data to present
Image: Colour code legend for indicators and targets

Note: A reference page with all measures used can be found using the left-hand navigation menu.

Hover for details

Hovering over an indicator name or coloured circle, as well as any section of the progress bar, will bring up a box of summary information including the:

  • Indicator name
  • Frequency – how often it is updated
  • Value – the most current value for that indicator
  • As of – the date of the most recent value calculation
  • The criteria of each colour code for that indicator
Image: Criteria information upon hover
Image: Hover information example

View the overall progress bars

There is an overview of progress underneath both sections of the dashboard. This presents a summary of how many indicators a school is currently achieving in each progress category.

Image: Overall progress bars example

Supporting links

For more information about some of these reports, there are links listed on the top right side of the School Dashboard report.

Image: Supporting report links

Want to learn more?

Other guides are available at the Digital Learning Centre.

If you are having difficulty with access to a Scout app or report, please contact Support.


  • School operations
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