Professional learning English K–12

Start planning your professional learning journey. Professional learning for English K-10 Syllabus (2022) is available in the English K-6 professional learning catalogue.

Professional learning is either available either on-demand as e-learning – in the catalogue, or at a specific time – on the calendar.


Professional learning modules supporting the teaching of English covering a range of topics.


This calendar shows professional learning available on a specific date. Select the learning that interests you to find out more information including where the learning is taking place, the meeting structure and how to register.

Plan and register for professional learning

About our professional learning

For Kindergarten to Year 6, where appropriate, professional learning courses and teaching and learning resources have been:

For Years 7 to 10, where appropriate, courses have been:

  • designed by the English secondary curriculum team using evidence and data to meet the needs of students and teachers
  • aligned to department policies and priorities
  • aligned to NSW syllabuses
  • contextualised for the specific needs and priorities of NSW public schools
  • quality assured to support high-quality teaching to improve every student
  • shaped by testing and feedback from NSW teachers and schools
  • informed by the elements of the High Impact Professional Learning model.
  • developed using evidence-based practices and practical strategies for immediate classroom use
  • developed to incorporate the themes of CESE's What works best: 2020 update
  • aligned to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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