Teaching standards

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards) ensure quality teaching practice in NSW schools. The Standards define what effective teaching looks like, how it displays in the classroom, and how it improves student learning.

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards)

The Australian professional standards for teachers (the Standards)External link is the core framework around which you gain and maintain accreditation throughout your career as a teacher.

The Standards enable you to plan, practise, refine and reflect on your teaching practice. You can use them to monitor your ongoing growth and development.

Teaching domains and Standards

The framework is outlined by the 3 teaching domains together with the 7 Standards to demonstrate the skills and understanding required for effective teaching.

Domains of teaching Standards
Professional Knowledge

Standard 1 – Know students and how they learn

Standard 2 – Know the content and how to teach it

Professional Practice

Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Standard 4 – Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Standard 5 – Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

Professional Engagement

Standard 6 – Engage in professional learning

Standard 7 – Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

The 7 Standards are grouped into 3 teaching domains:

  • professional knowledge – Standards 1 and 2
  • professional practice – Standards 3, 4 and 5
  • professional engagement – Standards 6 and 7.

  1. Know your students and how they learn
  2. Know the content and how to teach it
  3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
  4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
  5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
  6. Engage in professional learning
  7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/ carers and the community

The Standards describe the classroom practice, capabilities and expertise expected of all teachers across career stages:

  • graduate teacher
  • proficient teacher
  • highly accomplished teacher
  • lead teacher.

These stages provide a clear career pathway where you can be recognised for your expertise and skills as an exemplary classroom teacher.

Standard Descriptors

The Standards are organised by, domains, Standards, career stages, focus areas and Standard Descriptors.

Each Standard Descriptor explicitly describes the professional knowledge, practice and professional engagement required for high quality effective teaching at different stages of your career.

Each Standard Descriptor is comprised of 3 numbers, such as 3.2.4, where:

  • the first number is the ‘Standard’
  • the second number is the ‘Focus area'
  • the third number is the ‘Career stage’.
The Standard Descriptor 3.2.4 has been given as an example. 3 is the standard, 2 is the focus area and 4 is the career stage. The Standard Descriptor 3.2.4 has been given as an example. 3 is the standard, 2 is the focus area and 4 is the career stage.
Image: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning


  • Human resources
  • Teaching and learning


  • Professional development
  • Professional learning
  • Professional standards
  • Teacher accreditation
  • Teaching

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