Setting up induction
A quality induction takes time and focus, as beginning teachers move from the graduate to the proficient teacher career stage. Throughout the 4 phases of induction - orientation, developing focus, refining practice and gaining proficient accreditation - critical actions by different stakeholders are needed to create a structured, school-based and comprehensive induction.

Phases of quality induction
Beginning teachers progress through the 4 phases of quality induction, at their own pace, during their first 2 years of teaching.
The 4 phases of quality induction are distinct yet interdependent.

The four stages of induction
This phase supports the transition of beginning teachers into their teaching and school settings in the first weeks and months after their appointment.
This phase develops beginning teachers' understanding of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the standards) and sets up the processes to reflect on their practice and implement performance development plans (PDPs).
This phase focuses beginning teachers more broadly and deeply on their teaching practice across the full range of the performance standard descriptors needed for accreditation at the proficient teacher career stage.
This phase consolidates beginning teachers' practice at the proficient teacher career stage, so they can confidently submit evidence to their principal, the teacher accreditation authority (TAA), to achieve accreditation.
A teacher graduating from university commences teaching with the same responsibilities as more experienced teachers in the school; yet it is widely recognised that beginning teachers need support in their first few years of teaching.
Darling-Hammond and Le Maistre & Pare
Quality induction involves the active involvement and critical actions of many stakeholders at every phase.
This includes active involvement from the beginning teacher themselves, and the school principal and other school staff. Depending on the school's size, location, and the number of beginning teachers, support may be shared.
For more information, see Stakeholders in the induction process
Find professional development courses for mentors and supervisors at Teaching standards in action (TSA) courses.
- Darling-Hammond, L. (2010) ‘Recruiting and retaining teachers: Turning around the race to the bottom in high-need schools’, Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, vol 4, no.1.
- Darling-Hammond and Le Maistre & Paré (2010) ‘Whatever it takes: How beginning teachers learn to survive’, Teaching and Teacher Education, vol 26, no.3.