Refining practice

The third phase of induction, refining practice, is where beginning teachers focus more broadly and deeply on teaching practice at the proficient teacher career stage.

Image: This phase focuses beginning teachers on their teaching practice across the full range of the performance standard descriptors needed for accreditation at the proficient teacher career stage.

Beginning teachers, together with the support of their supervisor, mentor and colleagues, use NESA's Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the standards) to reflect on their practice.

The areas of practice outlined in Strong start great teachers (SSGT) explore the dimensions of effective classroom practice that are grounded in the standards and the research.

From these resources, beginning teachers can take the steps needed to refine and improve their practice, and effectively meet the learning needs of their students.

Customised support

It is essential that support for each beginning teacher is customised. This will allow them to develop where required and they can refine their practice in the crucial areas identified by the research.

The material in refining practice target these crucial areas of classroom practice and offer ideas, practical strategies and resources to support beginning teachers to refine their teaching practice.

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