Further support for reflection

Reflective practice is integral to a teacher’s professional growth. The following resources can support beginning teachers to reflect on their practice against the standards at the proficient career stage.

Teaching standards in action

These Teaching standards in action (TSA) courses, for the proficient level, help beginning teachers develop their reflective practice:

  • Reflecting on standards

Participants are engaged in a cycle of continuous reflection against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the standards) to identify specific and measurable goals by which they can build their practice.

  • Understanding quality teaching

Participants use the NSW Quality teaching model to guide the planning of, and reflection on, classroom and assessment practice.

Quality teaching rounds

The department's Quality Teaching Online website brings together the strengths of professional learning communities, instructional rounds and the Quality teaching model to support reflection on the qualities of pedagogy that are empirically linked to improved student learning.

AITSL reflection resources

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) also has a range of resources to support reflection on teaching practice against specific standard descriptors within the standards:

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