Workplace Learning

Workplace learning enables students to develop skills and knowledge, which improves their ability to link curriculum outcomes, and their relevance to lifelong learning.

Workplace learning includes work experience for students who are at least 14, as well as work placement for students studying Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects.

Workplace learning provides opportunities for students to:

  • explore first-hand the world of work
  • gain job-ready skills and knowledge
  • practice general and industry-specific skills
  • identify career options and pathways
  • be inspired about new work opportunities.

Students are not paid for workplace learning.

The value of workplace learning (PDF 381 KB)


Workplace learning for secondary students in government schools is the policy that supports workplace learning programs in your school.

For advice on workplace learning, contact Career and Workplace Learning.

Workplace Learning Policy and Procedures e-learning (MyPL - NR26976) is mandatory for all staff organising student workplace learning, including work experience and work placement.

Staff including careers advisers, transition advisers, vocational education and training teachers and other staff organising workplace learning are required to complete the online course.

Staff will be required to complete a refresher module every two years from the time they originally completed the training.

Workplace learning only occurs during school terms unless the principal approves a holiday placement for individual Year 11 or 12 students.

However, placements are not allowed in the December–January school holidays. See below for further information:

Scheduling Workplace Learning

Students spend time in an industry or job of their choice during work experience. Students can be inspired and motivated by the people they meet and benefit from connecting with employers.

Arrangements are made with school approval. Talk to your school careers adviser for more information.

Work experience helps students:

  • link classroom learning to the workplace
  • put classroom learning into practice
  • decide if they like the job or industry
  • learn the realities of the workplace
  • understand study, training and work opportunities
  • choose elective subjects
  • prepare for life after school.

Suitable pre-placement activities such as myworkexperienceExternal link must be provided by the school to prepare all students for workplace learning and to optimise the planned workplace learning experience.

Link to information about work experience opportunities.

Work placement is a mandatory requirement of many VET courses, including Industry Curriculum Framework (ICF) and some VET Board Endorsed courses. Students develop industry specific competencies, employability skills and appropriate work attitudes in a work environment.

Most industries work outside school hours so students must be flexible and prepared to travel. For example, construction students might start at 7am and hospitality students may work evenings.

Completion of 70 hours of work placement during Years 11 and 12 is usual. The school or external VET (EVET) provider will organise a suitable host employer.

Industry Curriculum Framework courses

Students must complete work placement as part of their ICF studies. Placements are coordinated by a work placement service provider but some may be organised by schools and EVET providers.

VET Board Endorsed courses

Work placement is also a mandatory component of many VET Board Endorsed courses. Work placement in these courses is organised by the school or EVET provider.

Some students in Years 9 and 10 study VET Board Endorsed courses with a mandatory placement.

VET Board Endorsed courses with mandatory work placement requirements include:

  • Assistant Dance Teaching
  • Fitness
  • Sport Coaching – Certificate II.

More information

To learn more about work placement and view a full list of work placement service providers in NSW, visit Work placement in NSW and Sydney AccessExternal link.

For additional information on VET courses, see Skills at school.

The Value of Workplace Learning


Students should participate in workplace learning in NSW – where possible. Schools located near a border may arrange interstate placements, if required, with the principal’s approval.

Accommodation away from home

The principal must approve any workplace learning involving accommodation away from home. Before approval is given, the following are considered:

  • educational value of the workplace learning
  • suitability of the proposed transport, accommodation and overnight supervision arrangements
  • parent or carer's approval.

The school or external vocational and education and training (EVET) provider must discuss arrangements with the student and parents or carers and confirm supervision and emergency contact arrangements. Both the 'Student Placement Record' and 'Workplace learning – accommodation away from home' forms must be completed and submitted to the school.

The duty of a school or EVET provider to care for students extends beyond the work day of the placement, particularly where accommodation is away from home. This duty cannot be delegated by the school or EVET provider.

The school or EVET provider must take reasonable care to keep all students in placement away from home free from harm and minimise the risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

Child protection

Any persons, other than family members, supervising students overnight must complete the following Working With Children Check documents:

Declaration for volunteers and non-child related contractors (PDF 255 KB)

Work readiness

Schools and EVET providers must prepare students before they start workplace learning. Suitable pre-placement activities such as myworkexperienceExternal link and go2workplacementExternal link must be provided by the school to prepare all students for workplace learning and to optimise the planned workplace learning experience.

Preparation includes:

  • safety in the workplace
  • employer expectations
  • what to do if help is needed during the placement.


Workplace learning will not be approved if there are any doubts about the safety of our students.

View the department's public liability certificate of currency.

For more information on managing risk, visit Keeping students safe.

Record keeping

Schools retain and dispose of workplace learning records in accordance with regulations. For information on how long records must be kept to comply with the legal and departmental requirements, visit Documents and records – retention and disposal. Refer to the 'Teaching and learning' and the 'Accidents and incidents' sections.

For more information on legal requirements, visit the Functional Retention and Disposal Authority for primary and secondary education – FA387External link.


  • Teaching and learning
  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Education and Skills Reform
  • Skills and Workforce Programs
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