School to Work
The School to Work Program forms a significant part of the NSW government commitment to support students in their successful transition from school to post school education, training and employment.
The School to Work Program is for all students in NSW public schools with a secondary enrolment and actively supports their informed, planned and quality transitions through school and particularly from school for each student. It also includes collaboration with primary schools to coordinate career related learning as students transition from Year 6 to Year 7.
The program has four key action areas to enhance student’s post school transitions.
- Exploring career futures
- Planning transition pathways
- Building connections and networks
- Strengthening student outcomes through vocational learning
Students will achieve a range of career and vocational learning outcomes which support their successful transition through and beyond school. Schools will provide strategies and opportunities that enable their students to achieve these outcomes. Schools will review and refine their school to work program annually to enhance quality and to best meet the career and transition needs of all their students.
Teaching Quality and Impact, Senior Pathways team will provide advice and support to schools to implement quality career learning and career education programs. The Career and Workplace Learning team will guide and support by providing policy directions, professional development, management tools and support materials.
For more information on the 2025 School to Work Guidelines see link below: