Work placement coordination program

Work Placement in NSW

Work placement is a planned opportunity in a quality host workplace that enables senior school students studying particular industry-based courses to practise and develop their industry competencies and their employability skills in a vibrant real work context.

Work placement is a mandatory component of industry-based vocational education and training (VET) courses that students can choose as part of their studies for the NSW Higher School Certificate.

Work Placement is coordinated across NSW by a network of Work Placement Service Providers. Work Placement Service Providers are non-government, not for profit organisations contracted to support and coordinate mandatory work placements for students undertaking HSC VET courses within a specified service region.

Work Placement Service Providers work with local schools with secondary enrolments, TAFE NSW colleges and EVET providers, and employers to coordinate HSC VET work placements for all eligible students within the service region.

The Work Placement Coordination Program is funded by the NSW Department of Education, Catholic Schools NSW and the Association of Independent Schools of NSW.

Key contact

Brendan Gembitsky
Manager, Work Placement Coordination
(02) 7814 2599


  • Teaching and learning
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