Celebrating the work of our careers advisers

Thank you video for careers and transition advisers in NSW public schools.

Thank you to our school-based careers advisers.

William: I just want to say thank you so much.

Courtney: I just want to say a big, huge thank you.

Alex: Thank you for going the extra mile and helping prepare me to succeed.

William: You gave me great insight and you’re a fantastic sounding board.

Courtney: Without you, I wouldn't have the courage or the excitement to do art and see it as a viable career into the future.

William: Without you there was an overwhelming amount to consider.

Alex: With your guidance and counsel. You helped me make an informed choice with confidence, and I'm truly grateful for your impact.

William: Your encouragement and support has really enabled me to pursue a career in what I really love.

Alex: Thank you, Kate, for being my careers adviser.

William: Thank you, Chris, for being my careers adviser.

Courtney: The world needs more careers advisers like you, so thank you Miss Parrish.

Melissa: Wow, that's really nice.


  • DoE

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  • Education and Skills Reform
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