Personalised Learning Pathways - Self-reflection


The Personalised Learning Pathways (PLPs) Self-Reflection has been designed to support schools to review their processes for the development and implementation of PLPs for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Students.

The development of this resource ensures that the voices of Aboriginal staff, students, families and communities are heard in the decision-making processes that occur when developing and implementing a PLP. It is only through strong relationships, collaboration and partnerships with our Aboriginal families that we will see Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students' cultural identity supported and enable them to achieve their aspirations and educational potential.

Timeframe for use:

Personalised Learning Pathways should be a sustainable and functional process within a school. This Self-Reflection will support its longevity and authenticity and should be used when deemed necessary, particularly through the developmental and evaluative phases of the process.

Intended audience:

All NSW Public Schools.

Instructions for use:

Instructions for use are included within the resource.

Further details on the Personalised Learning Pathways professional learning course can be found on MyPL - Course Identifier AC00222 or eLearning AC00221.

Evidence base:

Alignment to system priorities and/or needs:
This resource also supports and aligns to:

Alignment to School Excellence Framework:
This resource aligns to all aspects of the Learning Domain - Learning Culture, Wellbeing, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting and Student Performance Measures. Further alignment can be made across the Teaching and Leading Domains.

Consulted with:
Teaching Quality and Impact Directorate, Aboriginal Education, Aboriginal Outcomes and Partnerships Directorate.

Reviewed by:
Aboriginal Outcomes and Partnership Directorate.

Created/last updated:
December 2023.

Anticipated resource review date:
This resource will be reviewed in December 2024. To ensure ongoing improvement of this resource, feedback on this resource can be provided via the survey or QR code below.

Universal Resources - Aboriginal Education feedback survey QR code Universal Resources - Aboriginal Education feedback survey QR code


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Aboriginal Outcomes and Partnerships
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