Turning Policy into Action
The purpose of Turning Policy into Action is to support the implementation of Our Plan for NSW Public Education and the Aboriginal Education Policy within schools. Commitment to the priorities within the Plan and responsibility for enacting the Policy rests with all Departmental staff. It is expected that the Policy will underpin and inform planning,
The Policy:
- Defines the NSW Department of Education’s strong commitment to Aboriginal education across all areas of public education in NSW.
- Prioritises Aboriginal education as the core business of all Departmental staff.
- Sets the goal ‘that Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students will match or better the outcomes of the broader student population’.
- Requires the Department to provide Aboriginal cultural education for all staff.
- Requires the Department to provide education about Aboriginal histories for all students.
- Requires close collaboration with the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Incorporated (NSW AECG), Regional AECGs, Local AECGs and local Aboriginal communities.
Schools can use this resource in all aspects of the school planning cycle to ensure Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander students have access to fair, equitable, culturally inclusive, and significant educational opportunities. The aim of which is to ensure that all students obtain a high-quality education as a platform for enriching their life chances and achieving their full potential.
Timeframe for use:
The Turning Policy into Action document can be used by schools as a tool to reflect, plan and act as way of integrating the Aboriginal Education Policy into everyday business.
Intended Audience:
All NSW Public Schools.
Instructions for use:
Schools can seek the assistance from the Aboriginal Education Team, Teaching Quality and Impact Directorate to facilitate professional learning around this resource. The professional learning course aims to build participants understanding of how to address school and system priorities by using the ‘Reflect, Plan and Act’ tool within the Turning Policy into Action (TPA) document. Participants will learn how to embed an Aboriginal lens within the school planning cycle as part of the commitment to improvement in line with the School Excellence Framework.
Further details on the professional course can be found on MyPL - Course Identifier AC00039.
Evidence base:
Alignment to system priorities and/or needs:
This resource also supports and aligns to:
- The Cross-Curriculum Priority area Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures.
- The understanding that Aboriginal education priorities are guided by National and State Policy documents and the NSW Department of Education’s Aboriginal Education Policy.
- The understanding of how student data can inform school priorities for planning and monitoring improved outcomes for Aboriginal students.
Alignment to School Excellence Framework:
This resource aligns to all aspects of the School Excellence Framework.
Consulted with:
These guidelines were developed in collaboration with the School Performance, Teacher Quality and Impact Directorate, Aboriginal Education and Communities Directorate and NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc (NSW AECG).
Reviewed by:
Aboriginal Education and Communities.
Created/last updated:
December 2023.
Anticipated resource review date:
This resource will be reviewed in December 2024. To ensure ongoing improvement of this resource, feedback on this resource can be provided via the survey or QR code below.