Personalised Learning Pathways


These guidelines provide schools with the key information to support the effective development, implementation and monitoring of Personalised Learning Pathways (PLPs) for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students.

Central to the development of the PLP concept recommendations were made to hear the voices of Aboriginal families and community. Through strong relationships, collaboration, and partnerships with schools, staff and families we will see Aboriginal students achieve their aspirations and educational potential.

PLPs are an active and continuous process. They are developed in consultation and collaboration with the student, families and teachers, to identify, organise and apply personal approaches to learning and engagement for success.

PLPs can have short term and/or long-term goals. Short term goals can be specific stepping stones to reach long term goals. Essential to this process is the monitoring, reviewing and celebration of goals achieved and setting of new goals to ensure our Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students are always progressing in a forward motion.

It is highly recommended that all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students have a PLP that is tailored to the student and is regularly reviewed, updated and celebrated.

Timeframe for use:

The PLP document is expected to be used by schools to ensure Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students and their families are actively engaged in meaningful planning and decision-making in education. PLP conversations are of great importance as they identify and strengthen shared understandings of aspirational goals, expectations and responsibilities.

It is strongly recommended that PLPs be reviewed, and monitored at least once a term with students, teachers, PLP mentors and families. Regular check-ins are key to the success of the process.

Intended audience:

All NSW Public Schools and staff.

Instructions for use:

Schools can seek the assistance from the Aboriginal Education Team within the Teaching Quality and Impact Directorate to facilitate professional learning around this resource. The professional learning course aims to build participants understanding of how to address school and system priorities by using the ‘Reflect, Plan and Act’ tool within the Turning Policy into Action (TPiA) document. Participants will learn how to embed an Aboriginal lens within the school planning cycle as part of the commitment to improvement in line with the School Excellence Framework. Further details on the professional course can be found on MyPL – Course Identifier NR29292.

Evidence base:

Alignment to system priorities and/or needs:
This resource also supports and aligns to:

  • Aboriginal Education Policy
  • Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
  • Our Plan for NSW Public Education

Alignment to School Excellence Framework:
This resource aligns to all aspects of the Learning Domain - Learning Culture, Wellbeing, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting and Student Performance Measures. Further alignment can be made across the Teaching and Leading Domains.

Consulted with:
These guidelines were developed in collaboration with the Aboriginal Outcomes and Partnerships Directorate, School Performance, Teacher Quality and Impact Directorate and NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc (NSW AECG).

Reviewed by:
Aboriginal Outcomes and Partnerships.

Created/last updated:
August 2022/December 2023.

Anticipated resource review date:
This resource will be reviewed in December 2024. To ensure ongoing improvement of this resource, feedback on this resource can be provided via the survey or QR code below.

Universal Resources - Aboriginal Education feedback survey QR code Universal Resources - Aboriginal Education feedback survey QR code


  • Personal development

Business Unit:

  • Aboriginal Outcomes and Partnerships
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