Professional Development

This report shows the courses and number of hours of professional development undertaken by employees according to course category and participation status.

Executive Directors and Directors of Public Schools can view all schools within their Principal Network.

How will this reports benefit me?

The report will help Principals to track the professional development courses and hours undertaken by their staff.

This information can be used to identify whether teachers are up to date with their compliance training, professional learning and accreditation requirements.

What does the Professional Development report provide?

This four page report provides the following information:

Page 1 - Hours by Course Category
  • This bar chart lists each teacher at the school and the number of training hours they have completed.
  • Use the Calendar Year slicer at the top of the page to select the training year.
  • Use the course category slicer on the left to select either QTC Registered training or Non-Registered training.
  • Use the Employment Level slicer on the left to select the employment level, e.g. classroom teacher.
  • Use the Enrolment Status slicer on the left to select courses that were completed or failed.
  • Note: If a staff member has attended a course at a venue but marked as 'completed online' in MyPL, this will appear in the Unknown category. Please contact My PL to have details updated.
Page 2 - Courses by Employee
  • This chart lists each teacher at the school with the number of course hours undertaken.
  • Use the Calendar Year, Course Category, Employment Level and Enrolment Status slicers as described for the other pages.
  • Use the Employee Name slicer to view training hours for a single employee.
  • Use the Course Title slicer to select training hours for a particular course, e.g. β€œAn Introduction to Scout – Business Intelligence for Education.”

Page 3 - Employees by Course
  • This bar chart lists the total course hours undertaken by course.
  • Right-click on a single bar and select Drill Down from the pop-up menu to drill down and view employees who undertook that course.
  • Use the Calendar Year, Course Category, Employment Level, Enrolment Status and Course Title slicers as described for the other pages.

Page 4 - Hours by School
  • This bar chart lists the total hours of training conducted by school. Network Directors will be able to view all schools within their network and compare. Principals will be able to view their own school.
  • Use the Calendar Year, Course Category, Employment Level, Enrolment Status and Course Title slicers as described for the other pages.

How can I use the Professional Development report to support my school self-assessment?

  • The Teaching domain of the School Excellence Framework (SEF) notes that professional learning that aligns with the school plan will improve the quality of teaching and student learning outcomes.
  • This report allows schools to view the amount and type of professional learning undertaken by teachers. This will support schools to self-assess practice in the learning and development element of the SEF.

What should I look for?

Refer to the visualisations to answer questions around staff professional development, courses and hours completed. This will assist in school planning, accreditation and staff professional development.

Where does this data come from?

MyPL and SAP HR.

How frequently is data updated?

Daily except Anaphylaxis courses are updated weekly.

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