Leave without pay by employees report

About this report


Sources: HR systems (SAP HR), Leave Management System (LMS), PEPS and PERS.

Updated: Daily.

There is a one day delay in the Scout report. For example, today’s non-attendance report will show records up to yesterday.

Designed for

The non-attendance patterns report is designed for school principals, Directors, Educational Leadership, and School Administration Managers. Users can quickly and easily view leave without pay (LWOP) days taken by employees at the selected school/s.


How can I use this report?

The LWOP by Employee report displays leave without pay days taken by employees at a selected school or schools. Information can be filtered by workforce segment (Corporate, SASS, and Teaching staff) and includes employee ID, count of days taken, and categories of amount (<12 months, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, and >3 years.) There is also an option to select activity category (LWOP, Maternity and Parental LWOP), Unauthorised Absence). Table columns can be sorted for ease of browsing and then employee name and ID located quickly.

What should I look for?

Summary counts of employees are displayed above the table, broken into categories (on the left) and in total (on the right). The table can be used to identify employees and the number of LWOP days taken.

Image: Summary LWOP by Employee

Important notes:

  • This report only counts leave without pay days that have occurred after the 1st of January 2016.
  • Unauthorised Absences are assigned by default when an employee was absent but did not apply for leave. This may affect their length of service calculations if the absence remains unexplained.
  • Maternity & Parental LWOP counts leave activity types where Maternity, Parental & Adoption leave was specifically selected. However, these leave types are often selected in conjunction with other (non-leave without pay) types of leave which are not included in this calculation. Further information regarding unpaid Maternity & Parental leave can be found here.
  • Employees will only be shown if they have worked on the latest date in the system. This could mean certain part-time employees may be omitted from time to time.

Using the report

Make selections

This report only includes Step 1 slicers. Use the drop-down menus to select one or more schools and individual employees if required.

There are also Workforce Segment and Activity Category slicers to further refine your selections. Multiple selections can be made by holding control (Windows) while selecting each item.

Image: Making a selection


The information displayed in the report is specific to each user:

  • Principals and SAMs automatically view results for their own school
  • DELs can select the name of a school to view from the drop-down list.

View the information

Summary counts of the selected information are displayed across the top of the report:

Image: Viewing report information

The table below displays LWOP days by employee name. By default, it will be organised by leave without pay days taken, in descending order.

Image: LWOP days by employee name

Sort columns

The columns in the table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by hovering over the column title and clicking the black triangular arrowhead.

Image: Sort columns

Highlight selections

One or more rows of the table can be selected and will be highlighted. The summary counts will automatically refresh to reflect the newly selected number of employees.

Image: Highlight selections

Export Data

The information currently displayed in the table can be exported to a spreadsheet.

Image: Export Data

Reset to Default

If you wish to remove selections you have made and return to the initial view of the report, select ‘Reset to default’.

Image: Reset to default

Need further help?


  • Human resources
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