Recruitment Activity in Progress

The HR Recruitment Customer report shows the progress of requests through the various stages of recruitment. This report is developed specifically for the Principal, Director, Education Leadership, or Corporate Manager to have visibility on the progress of their various recruitment requests.

How will this report benefit me?

The Customer report has a focus on transparency through visualisation of the process.

What does the Customer report provide?

Recruitment – Schools

This page shows the various recruitment requests submitted by the manager. The detailed table shows:

  • The Record ID of the request, for communication and tracking purposes
  • The unique ID
  • The position number
  • The date the recruitment request was submitted by the manager
  • The stage which the recruitment request is sitting at
  • The last date the request was updated by recruitment

When an individual record is selected in the main table, below the line, the table to the right will show the stage gates an individual request has gone through.

Below the main table to the left an explanatory legend shows the stage gates a recruitment request will progress through in order to be completed.

Use the slicers to filter and analyse the data:

For a school recruitment request

  • Executive Director Group
  • Network Name

How can I use the Customer report?

The Customer Report will assist principals and managers to know where their recruitment request is up to, and where the responsibility for progressing the request sits. This enables them to manage on boarding in their school or team, as well as following up with recruitment where there is a delay.

How do I know what the next step in the recruitment process should be?

The stage gates a recruitment request is required to go through for the different types of recruitment processes are outlined at the bottom of the report in a table. These tables are replicated at the end of this report.

What should I look for?

The last updated date shows the length of time since a recruitment officer has worked on the file. Where this has been an extended period of time, the manager is able to follow up with the recruitment officer to progress their request.

Additionally, the legend will show where a delay may be caused because the Principal or manager needs to complete an action before the recruitment request can progress.

In the legend, where a stage has ‘***’ beside it, the recruitment request cannot progress without the Principal or manager completing an action or providing information back to recruitment.

Where does this data come from?

Data is entered by recruitment officers into TRIM (HP Records Management).

How frequently is data updated?

The data is updated daily at 7:30am.

Corporate Recruitment process flow

The following PDF outlines the process flow for a GSE appointment, School Administrative Support Staff (SASS) Recruitment and Teacher Recruitment.

Download the PDF (PDF 148.37KB)

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