Driving and parking safely

The beginning and end of the school day are busy times for pedestrians and drivers outside schools.

Messages to share with parents/carers and students as drivers

To safely park in the school zone:

  • drop your child off and pick them up on the school side of the road
  • never call out to them from across the road - it is very dangerous
  • always take extra care in 40km school zones
  • follow all parking signs - these help keep your child as safe as possible
  • park responsibly even if it means you have to walk further to the school gate
  • never double park - it is illegal and puts children at risk
  • never do a U-turn or a three point turn outside the school as it puts children at risk of harm
  • model safe and considerate pedestrian and driver behaviours to your child
  • always give way to pedestrians, particularly when entering and leaving driveways.


Driving and parking safely near schoolsExternal link (PDF 913.42 KB) TfNSW

40km/h school zonesExternal link (PDF 1.11 MB) TfNSW

Translations are available in 15 community languagesExternal link (TfNSW)

Students as drivers

Parents and carers are responsible for how their child travels to and from school.

Schools do not require a permission note from parents for students to drive to and from school.

A permission note is ONLY needed if the travel is to and from a school-endorsed activity (drivers and passengers)

For example: on excursions, students travelling to TAFE/VET courses or work experience during or outside of regular school hours.

These sample consent forms are for schools to use and localise to meet the needs of their school community.

Some schools issue a permission note to allow student drivers to park on school grounds, refer to vehicles on school grounds.

To address concerns about students driving and bringing passengers to and from school, the school should:


  • Road safety

Business Unit:

  • Teaching, Learning and Student Wellbeing
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