
Parents and carers are responsible for their child’s safety when travelling to and from school. The department encourages all children and their families to be safe active travellers.

Benefits of safely walking to and from school

Benefits of safely walking to and from school helps:

  • promote physical activity
  • reduce traffic
  • reduce our carbon footprint
  • provide an opportunity for supervising adults to talk with their child about road safety.

Walking advice to share with parents and carers

Primary schools can support their parents and carers with advice about:

Secondary schools can support their parents and carers with advice about:

Walking School Bus

A walking school bus is a group of primary school children who walk to and from school along a set route, accompanied by supervising adults. One adult drives at the front of the 'bus' while the other adult supervises at the rear of the 'bus'. The walking school bus picks up passengers along the way at designated bus stops on the way to and from school.

Read this information If your school is interested in implementing a Walking School Bus. Contact your Road Safety Education Officer to find out more.

The difference between a children's crossing and a pedestrian crossing

What is the difference between a children's crossing and a pedestrian crossing?


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Teaching Quality and Impact
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