Information for travelling independently
Never too old to be safe
Being an independent traveller means making safe decisions, and understanding your rights and responsibilities as a safe road user.
When can I let my child walk to and from school on their own?
Every child is different, and the risks involved in different journeys to school also vary. Keep in mind that children under ten years old should always be closely supervised and children eight and under should hold an adult's hand when in the traffic environment.
Before deciding if your child is ready to walk to school independently, observe their behaviour around roads and don't allow them to walk to and from school without an adult until you are confident they are ready.
Visit Safety TownExternal link advice for families to find out more
Information for students, parents and carers about safely travelling to and from school as an independent road user:
Walking to school safely - Pedestrians and drivers have a shared responsibility on and near roads and need to look after each other.
Starting high school safely - As an independent traveller you're never too old to be safe
Safety on public transport - Everyone who uses public transport has rights and responsibilities
Switch it up - 7 reasons to actively travel to and from school
Always wear a helmet - Choosing a helmet to protect your lid.
Skateboarding safely - Skateboards are best ridden in safe areas away from busy roads
Be a positive influencer..... as a passenger - an infographic encouraging safe passenger behaviours