Managing cycling and walking school buses

The responsibility for a child's travel to and from school remains a parent's responsibility.

Cycling School Bus

A Cycling School Bus is a group of students who cycle to and from school along a set route, accompanied by supervising adults. One adult is at the front of the 'bus' while the other adult supervises at the rear. The Cycling School Bus picks up or drops off ‘passengers’ at designated stops on the way to and/or from school.

Read this information if your school community is interested in implementing a Cycling School Bus.

Walking School Bus

A Walking School Bus is a group of students who walk to and from school along a set route, accompanied by supervising adults. One adult is at the front of the 'bus' while the other adult supervises at the rear. The Walking School Bus picks up or drops off ‘passengers’ at designated stops on the way to and/or from school.

Read this information If your school is interested in implementing a Walking School Bus.

Contact your Road Safety Education Officer to find out more.


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  • Road safety

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