Transcript for What is a School Based Apprenticeship

What is a School Based Apprenticeship video

Are you interested in gaining practical skills, earning while you learn and setting yourself up on your career path while still at school?

Then a School Based Apprenticeship might be for you.

A School Based Apprenticeship combines school, paid work days and formal training. It will contribute towards your HSC, and in some cases an ATAR.

And the best part about it? Once you finish year 12 and complete the school-based component, you will have achieved Stage 1 of your apprenticeship.

Did you know there are over 30 different School Based Apprenticeship already available across 13 different industries?

These include industries like:

  • Automotive

  • Beauty Therapy

  • Electrotechnology

  • And Plumbing

And if an industry you’re interested in isn’t in that list, ask your Careers Adviser whether it can be made available!

So how does a School Based Apprenticeship work?

Once you’ve been accepted into your School Based Apprenticeship, you’ll begin work as a part time employee and start your formal training.

You’ll spend one day at work, one day completing formal training and 3 days at school.

Whilst undertaking your School Based Apprenticeship as part of your HSC, you will need to complete a minimum of 100 to 180 paid work days.

So what happens after school?

When you finish school, you’ll have also finished the first year of your trade qualification!

As soon as January 1st rolls around, you will begin full time work and continue formal training for 2 to 3 years to finish your apprenticeship. After this you’ll receive your Certificate of Proficiency issued by Training Services NSW.

From here you can continue working for your employer, explore other employment options or even start up your own business.

Here are some simple steps to get you going.

  • Research different careers to find out where they can take you. Or consider work experience to get a taste of the industry!

  • Talk to your Careers Adviser about your goals and how a school-based apprenticeship can fit in with your school studies.

  • Once you know which industry you want to work in, start looking for an employer.

  • If you and your employer are happy to go ahead with the school-based apprenticeship, submit your application!

  • And, because your school is part of the Educational Pathways Program, your local SBAT Engagement Officer is there to support you every step of the way.

If you think traditional learning isn’t for you, a School Based Apprenticeship is an awesome opportunity to get you into the workforce early and build the essential skills you need to succeed in your career.

End transcript.


  • SBAT

Business Unit:

  • Skills and Pathways
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