Transcript for Transitions adviser supporting south-west Sydney student

Transitions adviser supporting south-west Sydney student video


Hi. My name's Zac. I'm the transitions adviser for Hoxton Park High School. My role is basically working with students in, well, years 9, 10, 11, and 12 in their school-to-work transition. This is Nathan. I've been working with Nathan. He's taken on a school-based apprenticeship at Reece Plumbing Supplies, and, yeah, he's really enjoying it. So, Nathan, do you want to explain what you do in the school-based apprenticeship, how your week works?


Monday, school, and Tuesday, work where I just deal with customers, pack stock away, receive stuff, and just like general cleaning around the area.


You work on Saturdays, as well? Is that right?




How does that work?


They give me half day, so I work 8:00 to 12:00, where it's just same stuff as I do on a Tuesday.


How do you juggle the schoolwork you have to catch up on and working as an SBAT?


For my school year, year elevens have Tuesdays off, so I don't really need to catch up on much, so ...


That's really lucky, because a lot of students at other schools actually have to catch up on all their classwork. So they might have five periods where they have to do at home while they also do their work. So I guess you're lucky in that respect. So what do your mates think about you doing the SBAT?


They think it's all right, but I already knew what I wanted to do, and they're not quite sure about what they wanted to do.


So do you reckon it was easier for you because you knew you wanted to get into plumbing?


Yeah. I would say it's easier for me.


And because you're not exactly in plumbing, you're in warehousing and logistics, do you think the SBAT's going to benefit you in going into plumbing, or are you happy where you are?


I'm happy where I am, but I'm sure it's going to benefit me, because when I'm doing ... Obviously, when I get into the plumbing trade, I'll obviously know a lot more about the trade than, well, usually first-time, first-year plumbers.


Why is that?


Because I'll usually work around the tools that plumbers use, and all the equipment that they have, I usually provide for them.


How do your family feel? How do your parents feel about you starting up the SBAT?


My parents feel good, because now I found what I was doing. Because when, before, I wasn't ... Before, I wasn't doing that well in school, but now I found my ground and what I want to do in my life.


With the SBAT, where do you think it's going to lead you? Where do you think you'll end up as a result?


It's confirmed my passion for plumbing, so after that, I might try to get in contact with any plumbers that are interested.


Finally, Nathan, what do you think is the most important thing you can take away from the SBAT?


Improving my confidence, my team skills, and my communication skills. I can take that into my next career.


Awesome. Thanks for chatting, Nathan.

End of transcript


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