Transcript for What if I don’t know what I want to do for a career?

Video for 'What if I don’t know what I want to do for a career?'

It can be hard when your friends seem to know what they want to do for a career, but you don’t.

You’re not alone - over a third of students feel overwhelmed when deciding on their career direction.

It can help to get a taste of potential careers and see if you like them. Before you can know what is right for you, you need to know what’s out there.

Start by exploring online. Websites like myfuture can help you discover careers that are matched to your skills, interests, and values.

Another great tool is ‘Skillsroad’. Poke your head around lots of different industries and see what a real workplace is like!

There are lots of people you can talk to - your careers adviser, your favourite teacher, your parents, family and friends or people in the area you want to work in.

Get nosey and ask them questions about how they decided on their career.

Your Careers Advisers can provide information, guidance, and advice to help you explore your options.

You'll get the most out of your meeting if you plan for it. Then your Careers Adviser can better help you identify career options that suit you. When the meeting is done, it’s time to explore those career options.

There are events, workshops, and even taster courses for you to try.

The best part about not knowing what to do, is that you have the opportunity to experience lots of different things!

Like the TAFE NSW YES+ program. It includes taster courses in lots of different industries from electrical, IT, robotics, carpentry and textiles.

On average, Australian employees change jobs 12 times in their life. Even if you start on a career path that you think is right, it doesn't mean you have to stay on that path forever.

The good news is that you’ll have the skills and experience to take with you.

Why not get started today?

Begin by exploring options through resources such as myfuture.

Talk to people around you who have a job you’re interested in.

And finally, get some experience so you know whether a path is right for you.

Good luck exploring all of the options that are out there. And remember, there are plenty of people and resources available to help you on the way!

End of transcript.


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