Transcript for How can I get job ready?

How can I get job ready video

There's nothing more exciting than getting your first proper job and being on the road to financial independence. But how do you get job ready?

Your skills are what will set you apart. There are two types of skills that employers look for. Technical skills like being able to operate tools or use software, and people skills like teamwork, communication and problem solving.

There are different ways to develop these skills. From volunteering and work experience to internships. Even small things like walking your neighbour's dog shows commitment and reliability, which are skills employers look for.

Through the Educational Pathways Program, you have lots of opportunities to test drive different careers and build on your skills. You can even learn practical tips in the Job Readiness Workshops offered under the program.

Your resume and cover letter introduce you to a potential employer, so it's important to make a good first impression.

Your resume should start with a couple of sentences about yourself and should also include your contact details, work history, which might also include any volunteer work, education, including microcredentials like getting your white card, and any achievements like being school captain, academic awards and extracurricular activities.

Keep it short and sharp, your resume shouldn't be longer than two pages.

Your cover letter is where you show why you're the right person for the job. Start with basic info about yourself, like your qualifications and skills, and talk about why you're interested in the job. Is there something you like about the company you're applying for? Mention it here. Finally, explain why they should hire you based on what you can bring to the role.

Make sure you check for typos and write a unique cover letter for every job.

You don't always need to wait for jobs to be advertised. If there's someone you are interested in working for, be proactive and reach out.

Pre-interview nerves are completely normal. Calm them by practising your answers to some common questions. These include:

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Why did you apply for this role?

Where do you see yourself in the future?

Asking questions shows your enthusiasm. You might ask things like:

What's the culture like?

Or what do you like about the company?

And a few last handy hints from our experts behind the Job Readiness Workshops.

Dress neat and tidy.

Speak clearly and with confidence.

Know where the interview is and arrive early.

Research the company.

And check your socials, because your employers will.

While finding your first job might seem like an intimidating task with a combination of preparation, research and confidence, you'll be on the way to landing that dream job, and your careers adviser is always there to support you if you need any help.

End of transcript.


  • Teaching and learning


  • Career advice

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