Transcript for Career benefits in hotels and tourism

Career benefits in hotels and tourism video


My name's Anna Podgorczyk. I'm the social media and marketing coordinator. And I also run events for Ramada Hotel and Suites, Ballina. It involves a bit of everything. It changes day to day, which I love. The social media and marketing, I do some content creation for that, so that involves some photography, some videography and then I also manage the websites along with some reviews, replying, and then any other graphic design or similar area, or anything that I get thrown at, which is nice. I've just been recently learning some new skills. I'm currently completing a Diploma of Event Management through Destination New South Wales and Meeting and Events, Australia. And in high school, I did actually complete a Certificate III in Live Media and Production and Events. And that was kind of the path that led me here, and here. It's pretty amazing that I get to do this every day.

In the North Coast it's such a tourism hotspot and at Ramada Hotel and Suites, I do feel like this is a bit of a hub and that's really exciting. And being here, I get to connect with so many other tourism providers. We often run a lot of famils. So through Destination New South Wales, they're really proactive at connecting local businesses. And I think that's really amazing being able to tie everybody in. And we work a little bit with just council and bouncing ideas that way. And again, with Out of the Blue Adventures, just seeing everyone's passion for the tourism industry and being able to link in with that. Even though I do work here, I feel like I do work as a part of the community as a whole, which I think that's really exciting. The most rewarding aspect of my job? It's just perhaps a friendly smile after someone's had such a long day and they just want to come and just be comfortable and be welcomed into the hotel.

Your three seconds of kindness and reaching out to someone could just change their whole day, which is pretty amazing. And I think that people are coming here to make memories and to have experiences, and the fact that you can cultivate that further for someone and change their whole experience is amazing. You don't have to move away to have the job that you would like. You don't have to move to a capital city. It is right here, which is really nice. There's plenty of opportunity as well, and that's becoming more and more apparent over the years. And if you just put yourself out there and talk to the right people and make those connections, you'll be able to find those positions you can jump on into.

End of transcript.


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