Transcript for Three SBAT students gaining life skills

Three SBAT students gaining life skills video

Sebastian:So my name's Sebastian. I go to Campbelltown Performing Arts High School. I'm currently working towards a Certificate II in warehousing operations at Reece Plumbing.

Tariq:I'm Tariq. I'm currently enrolled atEagle Vale High School, and I am studying warehousing operations.

Nicholas:My name's Nicholas. I'm studying a Certificate II in warehousing at Actrol. The warehousing environment itself involves working in a neat environment that's very well put together. It involves me putting stock away, and also putting orders together for other businesses and making sure we have everything for our customers at all times.

Sebastian:Just the general work of warehousing, receipting, dealing with customers, ordering stock for other people.

Tariq:Honestly, I cannot find one bad thing about this job.

Brodie Maynard:We employ on attitude, not necessarily on knowledge. You don't have to know anything about plumbing to come and work for us at Reece.

Brett Jackson:The attitude's the key. It's about wanting to come in and learn and have a good day.

Steven Bourke:The trade industry is quite intimidating for someone who is in school. As long as you're confident in yourself, and you just want to learn, we give everyone the tools here to sort of go from there.

Nicholas:I wanted to work somewhere in electrical or airand refrigeration. I was kind of within that area. And so when I heard about the SBAT program, I went to my career adviser and she helped me through it. And they found me a place here at Actrol.

Tariq:With my SBAT I would love to go to 2IC. Then once I'm here for a few years, hopefully go on to plumbing, own my own business and go from there.

Sebastian:We deal with a lot of plumbers every day. I'm constantly talking to them and I hope to one day use those relationships to get into a full-time plumbing apprentice job.

Nicholas:So, working here, I'm actually getting a really good knowledge of components. So, what I'm working with and what I might be working with in the future.

Brodie Maynard:I guess everyone knows us for plumbing supplies, but we do everything pipe andfittings.

Brett Jackson:I think it's the varied opportunity. So, Tariq might be doing a traineeship in here, but there's the opportunity to go to plumbing, Actrol, or different divisions. Their skills can be transferred to a lot of places. They could get into a warehousing role, or logistics.

Brodie Maynard:We're a customer service business. So the skills theylearn here can go to any different career.

Sebastian:The SBAT program is a fantastic program.Nicholas:My friends look at me, they go, "So what do you do?" And I said, "I do an SBAT." And they're like, "What does that entail?" And I said, "Essentially, I'm doing something that I feel like I'm putting effort towards and I'm going to get something out of it. And I'm getting paid and earning an income while doing it." So I'm always trying to tell my friends, "Go down to the careers adviserand tell them that you're interested, they can find something for you." I'm always trying to promote this program to as many people as possible.


  • SBAT

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  • Skills and Pathways
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