Transcript for Job Readiness Workshops

[Serena Lin]

Our Job Ready program is aimed at students from years 9 to 12 to help them with their jobs and careers and give them the different options that they have available to them for their career pathways.

[Kylie Adams]

The Job Readiness workshops give the students an opportunity to think about what their interests are, what abilities they already have, how those sorts of things can translate into an occupation or a job.

[Veronique August]

The challenges that students face when looking for post-school options is often that they don't have the knowledge that they need to be able to approach employers. You’re finding students in that 15 to 18 year old cohort. They need guidance. They need support.

[Serena Lin]

The Job Readiness workshops address the challenges over three sections actually. The first section is helping students understand what they want out of their jobs. The second section is looking at how they can find the jobs through their skills, qualifications, and experience. And then the last part of it

is interview skills, that's all about how they can own the interview process and be successful to get the job.

[Fortune Ajuogu]

I really enjoyed how interactive it was, but mostly enjoyed the different ways to find a job and how different roads lead to the same destination.

[Serena Lin]

You get out of it what you put into it. So this is your own journey, your own pathway. It's all about you today.

[Veronique August]

I have found that the Job Readiness workshops have exposed students to what it means to take care of yourself, what it means to find a career or a job that you really enjoy.

[Kylie Adams]

A positive that would come from these workshops would be that students can understand, that they can turn their passion for an industry into an income generating job in the future.

End transcript.


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