Update your details
It is very important to the ASTP that we have accurate and up-to-date details so that we can communicate important information and maintain your records.
If any of your information has changed, please download the relevant form(s) below, complete the new details in FULL and return the form to the designated email address.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Personal and bank details
If you are an Assisted Travel Support Officer (ATSO) and your personal or bank details have changed, please complete the Personal and bank details form (PDF 100KB) and email it to finance.astp@det.nsw.edu.au.
This form is also required as part of the expression of interest process for potential ATSOs.
Personal and bank details
If you are a contractor and your personal or bank details have changed, please complete the Personal and bank details form (PDF 100KB) and email it to finance.astp@det.nsw.edu.au.
Change in driver details
Contractors must notify the ASTP when there are changes to driver details, including WWCC renewals, by emailing contractors.astp@det.nsw.edu.au.
Change in vehicle details
If you are a contractor with the ASTP and your vehicles have changed on runs, please complete the Change in vehicle details form (PDF 255KB) and email contractors.astp@det.nsw.edu.au.
ASTP Scheme capacity and capabilities
To amend your existing ASTP Scheme details, i.e. to increase your run capacity and/or expand your transport areas or vehicle offering, please request these changes via your buy.nswExternal link profile.
Find out more about the ASTP Scheme.
Variation to approved transport arrangements (submitted via the school)
Variations are requests to change existing contact details or ASTP student transport arrangements to and from school on a permanent or temporary basis.
The Variation to approved transport arrangements form (PDF 195KB) must be submitted via the school and emailed to variations.astp@det.nsw.edu.au.
Find out more about variations.
Variation to approved transport arrangements
The Variation to approved transport arrangements form (PDF 195KB) must be submitted via the school and emailed to variations.astp@det.nsw.edu.au.
Find out more about variations.
Requesting access to ASTP Online
Schools can review their students' details in relation to transport at any time by accessing ASTP Online.
To be granted access to the site, , please follow the Access to ASTP Online steps outlined in the ASTP Online for Schools User Guide (PDF 3.7 MB).
Update school and support/satellite class details
Use the School establishment form (PDF 119KB) to update your school contact details, or the School bell time updates form (128KB) to update bell times.
Once completed and signed by the school principal, email the form to businessassurance.astp@det.nsw.edu.au.