ASTP contact details

Contact us by phone

Call the Assisted School Travel Program (ASTP) on 1300 338 278 during our business hours, 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday during school terms, and 8am to 4:30pm during school holidays, and choose from the phone menu options as below.

Press 1 - Status of your child’s application or eligibility for transport

Press 2 - Request to change your child’s transport arrangements

Press 3 - Appeal for a child’s application for transport

Press 4 - General feedback about your child’s ASTP experience

Press 1 - Run enquiries

Press 2 - Payment related enquiries

Press 3 - Driver and compliance enquiries

Press 4 - Assisted Travel Support Officer (ATSO) enquiries

Press 5 - Contract management enquiries

Press 6 - Technical enquiries

Press 1 - Student’s application, eligibility, Run or current transport arrangements

Press 2 - Behavioural and/or support enquiries

Press 3 - Discuss the appeal application process

Press 4 - Technical enquiries

Press 1 - Becoming an ATSO or the status of your expression of interest

Press 2 - Payment related enquiries

 - Press 1 - Ordinary pay enquiries

 - Press 2 - Leave and Overtime enquiries (redirects to EdConnect)

Press 3 - Training enquiries

Press 4 - Technical issues

 - Press 1 - DoE staff portal enquiries including password resets (redirects to EdConnect)

 - Press 2 - Other technical enquiries

  • Press 0 at any time in-case of a home alone or genuine ASTP emergency.
  • Press # to return to the previous phone menu option.
  • Download the ASTP phone menu options (PDF 75 KB).

Contact us by email

Please include a clear email subject and description of your enquiry, including your full name and contact details.

Parent or caregiver enquiries

Eligible Service Providers (ESP) enquiries

School enquiries

Assisted School Travel Officers (ATSO) enquiries

Technical support

See our technical support page for issues relating to ASTP Online, DoE Portal or myGov.

Alternatively, please email


  • School operations

Business Unit:

  • Student Support and Specialist Programs
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