About us
The Department of Education Assisted School Travel Program (ASTP) plays a significant role in meeting the needs of eligible students with disability by providing free specialised transport to and from school where parents and carers are unable to provide or arrange transport for the student either fully or in part.
The program provides around 3,200 individual transport services daily through our contracted service providers, free of charge to approximately 12,800 students across NSW.
Students with disability who are unable to travel to and from school under the Transport for NSW's School Student Transport Scheme or other services may be eligible for transport assistance under the ASTP.
Transport through the ASTP is provided as an in-kind support for NDIS participants who are eligible to receive an ASTP service.
Structure of the ASTP
The ASTP comprises the following areas:
- Office of the Director
- Commercial Services
- Communication
- Product & Delivery
- Education Services
- Business Assurance
- Logistics & Customer Service.