Parent responsibilities
Parents are key partners in the safe transport of children with disability from their home to school and back.
Key responsibilities
Parents have a number of important responsibilities when their child is on assisted school travel, including:
- Be ready 15 minutes before the pick-up and drop-off time.
- Wait at the agreed safe pick-up and drop-off location outside your home to meet the vehicle.
- You must help your child get into the vehicle, ensure your child is safely seated with their seat belt buckled according to the road rules.
- Provide an Australian approved child restraint or booster seat where appropriate (AS/NZS 1754).
- Provide additional equipment, if required, for safe travel such as seat belt buckle covers, specialised transport harnesses, and any medical equipment.
- Assist travel staff in loading and securing your child and their mobility equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers.
- Communicate any additional needs your child might have on transport to the school and travel staff.
- Call the driver and school if your child is going to be absent from school.
- Contact the school if your details or circumstances change such as work commitments, address or phone numbers.
- Speak to the school if your child's health needs change.
Supervision (home alone)
A driver is not permitted to drop a student at home without the authorised adult being present. If this occurs, ASTP will try to contact parents or other emergency contacts for the student.
After discussion with ASTP the driver will be instructed to either return the child to their school, NSW Department of Family and Community Services or the nearest police station.

ASTP will contact both the parent and the school each time a child is returned home without supervision. After the second occurrence a new Part A of the Application for Assisted School Travel (PDF 504.74KB) form will need to be completed and transport may be suspended.

What other things do I need to know?
A driver is not permitted to drop a student at home without the authorised adult being present. If this occurs drivers will be instructed to deliver your child to one of the following locations:
- your child's school
- Family and Community Services office
- nearest police station.
If you have concerns about the identity of a driver or ATSO please request photo identification or call the ASTP.
Transport services may be temporarily withdrawn if:
- There is no parent or authorised adult available to meet transport at home each morning and afternoon.
- The behaviour of your child causes a safety risk to themselves or other students on transport.
Drivers are not authorised to administer any medication. Drivers cannot transport students to an alternate address or make changes without prior approval from the ASTP.
Food and drink are not allowed in the vehicle unless listed in a travel support plan.