Get the most from your experience

Make sure to contact your school’s professional experience coordinator and your supervising teacher to introduce yourself and arrange a time to meet.

The NSW Teachers Federation is the registered trade union which covers NSW public school teachers. It represents all teachers in NSW public schools and supports the development of future teachers


All schools will provide an induction to the school. Please discuss a time for your site and classroom induction with your supervising teacher or school’s professional experience coordinator.

During your placement

Be proactive in identifying your own areas for improvement (reflect on the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers).

Talk with your supervising teacher and professional experience coordinator about observing staff on other classes/stages or in other key roles. This builds strong understanding of how colleagues work together to improve student learning progress and achievement. For example, you could observe a Learning and Support Teacher (LaST), or an English as an additional language or dialect teacher (EAL/D).

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