Teacher self-reflection

What is reflective practice?

Effective teachers continually reflect on and improve, the way they do things, but reflection is not a natural process for all teachers. Reflection has many facets. For example, reflecting on work enhances its meaning. Reflecting on experiences encourages insight and complex learning. We foster our own growth when we control our learning, so some reflection is best done alone. Reflection is also enhanced, however, when we ponder our learning with others.

Ongoing reflection informs teaching practice. It helps teachers to meet their students' learning needs effectively by revisiting their enacted practice to guide their future action. Learn how to develop focus with reflective practice.

Several tools can assist teachers to reflect on their practice:

  • CESE What Works Best 2020 update outlines eight quality teaching practices that are known to support school improvement and enhance learning outcomes for students.
  • The AITSL Teacher Self-Assessment Tool is a 30-minute questionnaire aligned to the teacher standards will reveal valuable insights into your teaching practice to support your professional growth.
  • The Classroom Practice Continuum shows you what you would expect to see in the classroom practice of an Australian teacher, from graduate through to lead teacher.


  • Teaching and learning
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