How can I set up my classroom?

Support for teachers to help them create positive classroom environments.

Importance of classroom management

Classroom management encompasses a wide variety of skills and techniques teachers use to ensure students are focused on their learning. When classroom management strategies are executed effectively, teachers minimise those behaviours which impede learning and maximise the behaviours which enhance learning.

Research has shown that a teacher who can effectively manage their classroom can have a significant impact on student achievement.

Creating an environment that promotes learning and higher levels of student engagement is key to improving learning outcomes. Research shows that for students, the classroom environment is more important than the broader school environment.

CESE published Six Effective Practices in High Growth Schools which describes the effective practices common to NSW government schools that achieved high growth in NAPLAN over a sustained period.

Creating positive classroom environments

There is a growing body of evidence that highlights a strong link between a positive classroom environment and student outcomes.

  • When a student feels emotionally safe they are more engaged. In schools where relationships and learning climate are poor and students have lower levels of engagement
  • Creating a positive learning environment promotes wellbeing and students feel connected to the school environment. This builds a sense of ownership and participation
  • A well-structured classroom environment shows that the teacher cares and promotes positive attitudes about learning.

To find out more access the online learning Classroom Management Fundamentals course or seek tailored support from your AP Learning and Support or Learning and Wellbeing staff.

Complete the positive classroom environment and amplifying student voice audits below to find out where you sit.

More Information

Fact sheet - Positive classroom environment audit (PDF 106.27KB)

Fact sheet - Amplifying student voice (PDF 109.92KB)

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  • Teaching and learning

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  • Teaching, Learning and Student Wellbeing
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