Knowing the rules to break the rules – Year 8, Term 1

These resources have been designed for use by teachers in connection to the Year 8, Term 1 program – Knowing the rules to break the rules.

The materials provide one way to approach conceptual programming to develop students' understanding of the ways composers use and experiment with the textual forms and features of poetry to express ideas and position readers.

Students will explore how intertextuality with older texts and traditions can enrich meaning. They transfer these understandings to their own poetic compositions, engaging with and subverting poetic forms and features in purposeful ways. Students will compose creatively and analytically using the recursive writing process to communicate with clarity and for effect.

The program and associated resources are not intended to be taught exactly as is presented in their current format but should be adapted to suit students’ needs. The resources should be used with timeframes that are created by the teacher to meet the overall assessment schedules.

Two versions of the resource booklet have been provided. One version contains the full text of all resources and activities, including annotations of Kae Tempest's poetry. The other contains resources and activities, but only abbreviated descriptions and excerpts of the poetry. The full text version of the resource booklet and the Core text booklet (containing all licensed poems) are only available to staff from the NSW Department of Education.


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from English K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.


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