Consumer protection
As a student, you're covered by Smart and Skilled consumer protection measures.
All training providers approved to deliver training under Smart and Skilled are required to have processes to protect consumers and handle complaints.

Resolving issues or concerns
As the first step, you're encouraged to speak to your training provider about any issues or concerns about your training under Smart and Skilled. All approved Smart and Skilled training providers must have a consumer protection officer who can help students with their concerns.
You can also contact the Smart and Skilled customer support centre to seek assistance, ask for advice, make a complaint or provide feedback. You can do this by email, over the phone on 13 28 11, or in person at a Training Services NSW centre.
The Smart and Skilled customer support centre can provide:
- information and advice on your rights
- support with your complaint or dispute, including:
- a process for progressing any unresolved complaint
- referrals to other agencies that can help with specific complaints within their scope
- a mediation service to help you resolve your complaint with the training provider.
Continuing training where your current Training Provider is no longer able to deliver subsidised training under Smart and Skilled
If your Training Provider is no longer able to deliver subsidised training to you under Smart and Skilled, there are options for continuing your training.
Option 1:
You can select a different Training Provider
If you select another Smart and Skilled Training Provider then you will continue to receive subsidised training.
Your current Training Provider will assist you to transfer to the new Training Provider which you have selected. They can also suggest an alternative Training Provider.
To select a different Smart and Skilled Training Provider use the Skills Compare tool.
Option 2:
You may be able to remain with your current Training Provider
Under this option you may have to pay your Training Provider full fees to finish your training. You will need to ask your Training Provider how much you will have to pay to complete your qualification.
If you decide to transfer, what help will you receive?
Your current Training Provider should provide you with the following assistance as soon as possible:
- manage fee arrangements for transferring you as an enrolled student to a different Provider. Your current Training Provider will refund any balance of student fees already paid.
- issue you with a Statement of Attainment/ Qualification which reflects your actual training and assessment progress to date.
- issue an updated training plan.
If you are an apprentice or trainee: For assistance, contact your Australian Network Provider or Training Services NSW on 13 28 11.
Who to contact
- Issues to do with quality of training, contact the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
- Smart and Skilled enquiries/complaints
Phone: 13 28 11 / 1300 772 104
Online enquiry and feedback form
Complaints and compliments form
- TAFE NSW complaints/consumer protection
- Consumers specifically asking for a refund or similar should contact NSW Fair Trading
Phone: 13 32 20, Monday-Friday, 8:30am to 5pm
- If it is a work health and safety issue contact Safework NSW
Phone: 13 10 50, Monday-Friday, 8:30am to 5pm
Still not sure?
The National Training Complaints Hotline will direct you to the relevant authorities or the most appropriate organisation to assist you.
- Phone: 13 38 73, Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm
- National Training Complaints Hotline complaints form
- Website:
Complaints and disputes handling process
Complaints and disputes are handled by an officer from Training Services NSW, who first tries to resolve the issue through information and mediation.
The officer contacts the training provider and you to help you to resolve the issue. This is done by mediation – trying to get each party to understand and respect each other's points of view, negotiating over differences and discussing possible solutions.
These discussions may take place through letters, emails, telephone conferences, video conferences or face-to-face meetings. The officer then advises on the most effective solutions to resolve the complaint.
While the officer handling the complaint will do all they can to help resolve the complaint, this cannot guarantee a successful solution for you or the training provider. The officer will inform both you and the training provider when he or she has done all they can to help. It's then up to you or the training provider to look for another, more formal process to resolve the dispute.
Student rights and obligations
As a student receiving government-subsidised training under Smart and Skilled, you have certain rights and obligations.
You have the right to:
- expect that the quality of your training meets the standards, regulations and requirement set down by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and Smart and Skilled
- be informed about the collection of your personal information and be able to review and correct that information
- access your training provider's consumer protection complaints process.
Your obligations include:
- providing accurate information to the training provider
- behaving in a responsible and ethical manner.