Travel, Accommodation and Relocation assistance package

Discover the different types of packages available including Vocational Training Assistance Scheme (VTAS) and the Continuing Apprentices/Trainees Placement Scheme (CAPS).

What assistance is available

Financial assistance is available to eligible apprentices and new entrant trainees in NSW to assist in meeting some of the costs associated with training.

Assistance is available to:

  • Offset some of the costs incurred for travel and accommodation related to class room based, formal training with a registered training provider as required under the terms of the apprenticeship or traineeship; and/or
  • Meet some of the costs incurred by unemployed apprentices with removal and rental expenses, where there is a need to relocate in order to recommence the apprenticeship with a new employer.

Who is eligible?

VTAS – Travel and Accommodation Allowance

  • Apprentices or new entrant trainees who are required to travel more than 120 km round trip to attend day or block release training with their RTO.

CAPS – Relocation and Rental Expenses

  • Unemployed apprentices that are required to relocate more than 60 km in order to continue their apprenticeship with a new employer.

Who is not eligible for travel assistance?

Existing worker trainees - someone who has been employed continuously by their current employer for more than 3 months full-time or 12 months casual or part-time immediately prior to commencing a traineeship.

Things you should know

If you live and travel within the boundaries of Sydney Trains, you may not be eligible for travel assistance. However if you do not use Government transport because it is unsuitable, you need to lodge a Vocational Training Assistance Scheme (VTAS) Applicant Signed StatementExternal link outlining the circumstance with your first claim.

How to apply?

VTAS – Travel and Accommodation Allowance

Claims for travel and accommodation assistance must be submitted by 30 June following the year of travel. To claim:

CAPS – Relocation and Rental Expenses

Claims for relocation and rental assistance must be submitted within six months of the commencement date of the new training contract, or within six months of transfer date. To claim:

Further information

Download further information on eligibility available from the Travel, Accommodation and Relocation Assistance guidelinesExternal link or email:


  • Skills
  • VET


  • VET

Business Unit:

  • Training Services
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