AsP Primary Feeder Trend

The AsP Primary Feeder Trend report provides trend information on the top 5 primary feeder schools for a secondary cluster and its schools. This report is a complementary view of the Primary Feeder report.

This report is available only to Asset Planners in the Planning and Demography unit.

How will this report benefit me?

Users can view the trend over time for the top 5 feeder schools for high schools in a cluster.  Asset planners can use this information to understand changes in the composition of their cluster’s feeder schools over time.

What does the AsP Primary Feeder Trend report provide?

The following visualisations are available in this report:

Top 5 Feeder Primary Schools

  • This stacked column chart displays the top 5 primary feeder schools trend for the selected cluster or high school.
  • 10 years of historical data will eventually be included, however the earliest year displayed is 2011.  This is due to unavailability of high-quality data prior to this year.
  • Non-government schools are included where known. Note that non-government schools are unlikely to be in the top 5 feeder schools for a cluster.
  • Some schools and years have a column labelled “unknown”. This means the students came from interstate/overseas primary schools, or they did not do the NAPLAN 5 assessment, so a prior record has not been found for them. For example schools/clusters near the border with another state will have a large unknown component. This indicates the commencing Y7 students went to primary schools in the state across the border.  Due to privacy legislation we only receive NAPLAN data for NSW.

Selected Primary School Trend

  • This line chart provides an alternate view of the trend data and allows users to view the contributions of each school.
  • Click on a single school to highlight that line. You can click on the school name in the legend on either chart, or on the school line in each chart.

Use the following slicers to select a cluster and school, and analyse the data:


Use this slicer to select a cluster to analyse. You can scroll to find the cluster you need, or use the search bar at the top of the slicer.


  • To improve report loading times, this slicer defaults to the first cluster in the list.
  • You can only select one cluster at a time in this report.
  • Click on the arrow to the left of the cluster name to view the schools for a cluster. You can select a single school from the cluster to view, or the whole cluster.
  • This slicer controls both charts.

Recommended Steps

  1. Select a cluster in the Cluster slicer.
  2. Analyse primary feeder trends for the cluster over time.  Compare which schools have been increasing or decreasing their contribution of students over time, taking known boundary changes into account.
  3. Highlight individual schools in the Selected Primary School Trend chart.

What should I look for?

  • Are there any schools that have increased or decreased the number of students they contribute over time? If there have been no boundary changes this may indicate a change of parental choice.
  • Annual enrolment census – student level data. For all students commencing Year 7 at the selected high school or cluster, their Year 5 school is identified.

Where does this data come from?

  • NAPLAN – where a year 5 record was not found in the enrolment data for a student, but a NAPLAN 5 record was found, this is used instead.

How frequently is data updated?

  • Historical enrolments are updated annually after the Enrolment census is completed in August.
  • NAPLAN data is updated annually after NAPLAN results are released.
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