AsP Teaching Spaces

The AsP Teaching Spaces report provides information on the number of teaching spaces across schools in NSW, grouped by cluster.

This report is available only to Asset Planners in the Planning and Demography unit.

How will this report benefit me?

Asset planners can view the teaching spaces for schools compared to the teaching space demand.

All schools in a cluster can be seen on the same chart. This will inform asset planning decisions related to the teaching spaces of schools within a cluster.

What does the AsP Teaching Spaces report provide?

The following visualisations are available in this report:

Permanent and Demountable Teaching Spaces Compared to Teaching Space Demand

  • This stacked column and line chart displays the number of permanent and demountable teaching spaces for each school in a cluster.
  • The Teaching Spaces Demand is superimposed as a line chart.
  • Only two years are available: the current year, and last year.

Current Enrolments and Teaching Spaces

  • This table displays the same information as the chart, but in tabular format.
  • Current enrolments are included.

Projected Teaching Spaces Demand – 5, 10, 15 Years Likely

  • This column chart displays the projected teaching spaces demand at 5, 10 and 15 years.
  • The likely values are used for all projections.

Use the following slicers to select a cluster and analyse the data:


Use this slicer to select a cluster to analyse. You can scroll to find the cluster you need, or use the search bar at the top of the slicer.


  • To improve report loading times, this slicer will default to the first cluster in the list.
  • You can only select one cluster at a time in this report.
  • This slicer controls the chart and table. The cluster and schools displayed will change based on the cluster selected.
  • This slicer controls the School Name slicer. The schools available in the School Name slicer will be government schools in the cluster.

School Name

  • The School Name slicer controls both the chart and the table.  Once a cluster is selected, all schools in the cluster and sector will appear in the School Name slicer.

Calculation Year

There are only two years of available data. The current year, and the previous year. All metrics will default to the year selected.

What should I look for?

  • Schools where the teaching space demand does not match the number of total teaching spaces.
  • Schools with a much higher or lower projected growth than the rest of the cluster.

Where does this data come from?

  • All metrics in this report come from AMS.
  • Note that if there appear to be errors in the data, such as the wrong number of teaching spaces, etc., this should be investigated in AMS.

How frequently is data updated?

  • This data is loaded daily from AMS.
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