AsP HSC Results

The AsP HSC Results report provides information on student HSC results across schools in NSW, grouped by cluster.

This report is available only to Asset Planners in the Planning and Demography unit.

How will this report benefit me?

Asset Planners can view HSC results for a cluster and its schools, and trends such as increasing or decreasing HSC results over time. All schools in the same cluster can be compared on the same chart.

Please note that HSC Results for non-government schools are not available.

What does the AsP HSC Results report provide?

The following visualisations are available in this report:

Selected School Compared to Cluster and State

  • This column chart displays HSC results by band.
  • The percentage of students achieving in each HSC band is displayed.
  • Use the School Name filter to select a single school to compare that school’s results to the cluster and state bands. Deselect all schools to view the cluster against the state only.
  • All HSC subjects are included. Asset planners can slice by course name to compare performance in single subjects, e.g. 2-unit English (Standard).
  • This chart does not show averages; it shows the percentage of students who achieved a score in each band. A higher band represents a higher achievement.

All Schools in Cluster

  • This column chart displays the same information as the School vs Cluster and State, but individual schools in the cluster are compared to each other rather than the cluster and state.
  • Compare all schools in the cluster on the same chart.
  • Use the School Name filter to select individual schools to compare against each other. Hold the Ctrl key down to select multiple schools.
  • Hover over any data point to see the percentage of students in that band, and number of students.

HSC results for each subject are graded in bands as follows:

2-unit subjects:

  • Band 6 = 90 - 100 marks
  • Band 5 = 80 - 89 marks
  • Band 4 = 70 - 79 marks
  • Band 3 = 60 - 69 marks
  • Band 2 = 50 - 59 marks
  • Band 1 = 0 - 49 marks

Extension subjects:

  • Band E4 (highest)
  • Band E3
  • Band E2
  • Band E1 (below minimum standard)

Use the following slicers to select a cluster and analyse the data:


Use this slicer to select a cluster to analyse. You can scroll to find the cluster you need, or use the search bar at the top of the slicer.


  • To improve report loading times, this slicer will default to the first secondary cluster in the list.
  • You can only select one cluster at a time in this report.
  • This slicer controls both charts. The cluster and schools displayed in the charts will change based on the cluster selected.
  • This slicer controls both the School Name slicers. The schools available in the School Name slicer will be government schools in the cluster.

Course Name

  • Use this to select a single HSC course, e.g. Mathematics Extension 1.
  • If all courses are deselected, the charts will display the percentages by band for all HSC subjects undertaken at the school.
  • You can select multiple assessments by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking the assessment.

School Name

  • There are 2 School Name slicers, one for each chart. Once a cluster is selected, all schools in the cluster and sector will appear in these slicers.
  • The slicers work independently of each other. Use the top slicer to select a single school to compare against the cluster and state. Use the bottom slicer to select multiple schools to compare against each other.

HSC Year

This is the year the HSC course was taken. If students did their HSC over 2 or more years, only the courses taken in the selected HSC year will be counted.

What should I look for?

  • Clusters or schools with a significant upwards or downwards trend in HSC results over the years.
  • A school that is significantly above or below the rest of the cluster.
  • Note that record suppression is in place for any schools where there were less than 5 students undertaking the HSC in any given year. This will affect the data for schools with low numbers of students, e.g. rural and remote schools. It will appear that there is no data for that school, course and year combination. This was required by the data steward for the purpose of approving the use of this data.
  • No record suppression was done at the cluster level, only the school level.
  • Note that HSC results may not be an accurate representation of the school, where low numbers of students have completed the HSC. For example a school with less than 10 students in each year, may have wildly fluctuating HSC results from year to year. This could be due to differences in the student cohorts, rather than any teaching strategies at the school. Please review the HSC results in conjunction with the number of students in each year to interpret these results appropriately.

Where does this data come from?

  • HSC.

How frequently is data updated?

  • HSC results are updated annually after they are released in December.
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