Pre-service teachers

Our schools are great places to work

As a pre-service teacher, you may be considering your options for future employment. Find out more about what a career with the NSW Department of Education can offer by visiting the 'Why work at education' page.

Our schools are all unique

Some pre-service teachers are surprised to learn that the NSW Department of Education meets the needs of our students in a range of different types of schools across the state. Our schools include:

  • Preschools
  • Primary Schools
  • High Schools
  • Schools for Specific Purposes
  • Central Schools
  • Environmental Education Centres
  • Hospital Schools
  • Distance Education Centres
  • Intensive English Centres
  • Secondary Colleges
  • Connected Community Schools
  • Virtual Selective High School.

At teach.NSW you will find further information about the varied opportunities for different types of teachers.


Teacher education scholarships support students, including Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples, to graduate as teachers for NSW government schools in specified areas. Scholarships targeting pre-service teachers include the Public Education Foundation Scholarships and Scholarships for prospective teachers.

Go to teach.NSW to find out more about teacher education scholarships.

Setting up for success 2024

This is an opportunity to speak with expert teachers from across the NSW Department of Education and receive targeted professional learning to support you in becoming ready to teach in a NSW Public School

Taking control of your professional development.

Video, presentation and accompanying resources; self reflection against the graduate standards in action, SMART goal planning template and classroom practice feedback - graduate.

Trauma informed practices

Video and presentation available here.

Introduction to Aboriginal Education

Video and presentation available here.

Positive classrooms

Video of session available here.

Responding to student behaviour

Video of session available here.

Establishing fantastic classroom practice

Video of session available here.

Increasing student engagement

Video of session available here.

Classroom management in action

Video of the session available here.

Strategies to support students with disability - Session 1

Register here

31st July 3.35 – 4.35 pm

Strategies to support students with disability - Session 2

Register here

13th August 3.35 – 4.35 pm

Using strength-based approach in teaching.

Register here

28th August 3.35 – 4.35 pm

Formative assessment in action

Register here

10th September 3.35 – 4.35 pm

How to program multistage classes

Register here

25th September 3.35 – 4.35 pm

Interview advice, applying for conditional accreditation, approval to teach, SLSO and/or Educational Paraprofessional work.

Register here

22nd October 3.35 – 4.35 pm

Supporting our Students’ Mental Health - Session 1

Register here

Registration essential as this is an unrecorded live session only.

6th November 3.35 – 5.05 pm

Supporting our Students’ Mental Health - Session 2

Register here

Unrecorded live session only to attendees from Session 1

19th November 3.35 – 5.05 pm

Setting up for success 2023 resources.

Designing and leading your professional development

Video, presentation and resources available here

How to start differentiating your teaching based on student learning needs

Video and presentation available here.

How to differentiate the curriculum to meet student learning needs

Video and presentation available here.

Using student data to focus the pedagogical approach

Video and presentation available here

Behaviour and active student engagement

Video, presentation and Positive Behaviour Support resource for active engagement available here.

Creating a positive classroom environment

Video, presentation and Positive Behaviour Support resources for classroom organisation and classroom management checklist available here.

Preventing and supporting low level disruptive behaviour

Video, presentation and Positive Behaviour Support resource for behavioural expectations available here.

Responding to challenging student behaviour

Video, presentation and Positive Behaviour Support resources for Consistent and Fair Consequence, Explicit Teaching of Social Skills and Reinforcement available here.

Literacy K-12 and available resources

Video and presentation available here.

Numeracy K-12 and available resources

Video and presentation available here.

Beginning Teacher Tech Guide and how to implement ICT to expand learning opportunities for students

Video available here.

How to embed High Potential and Gifted Education into your teaching

Video and presentation available here.

Writing reports and working with parents for the first time

Video, presentation and resource available here.

Open conversation about classroom management, differentiation and teacher well-being - Mentor Panel

Video and resources discussed.

Strong Start Great Teachers

Video and resources discussed.

Advice and reflections from Beginning Teachers - Mentor Panel

Video here

Setting up for success 2022 resources

Our classroom environments are providing flexible learning opportunities for all of our students. There is a mix of online/remote teaching, face-to-face teaching and alternative learning opportunities across schools this year.

To help prepare you for your placement we are offering a range of professional learning opportunities.

Session 1 video and presentation notes for organise classroom activities and managing student’s learning in an online learning environment .

Session 2 video and presentation notes with practical approaches to managing challenging behaviours and engaging students in an online learning environment.

Session 3 video and presentation notes for organise classroom activities and managing student’s learning in a classroom.

Session 4 video and presentation notes for managing challenging behaviours in the classroom.

Best practice examples in planning and programming

  • Best practice example of a lesson plan with professional learning links for each lesson component. (Demonstrating focus areas for 3.1, 3.2,.3.3, 3.4 of the APST)
  • Best practice example to support the organisation of programming documents using One Note. (Demonstrating focus area 3.2 of the APST)

EAL/D Professional Learning Resources

  • Resources to support pre-service teachers entering schools with high enrolments of English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) students.

Teacher talk to actively support student wellbeing

  • Dictionary of terms - actively use teacher talk and correct language to support student’s wellbeing - (Supporting focus area 1.6 and 4.1 of the APST)


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • People Culture and Capability
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