Earth and Environmental Science Year 11 and 12
Earth and Environmental Science builds upon the knowledge and working scientifically skills gained from the Earth and Space strand taught in science K-10. Students engage with the processes that have come to shape and influence the physical and biological worlds.
Earth and Environmental Science lies at the intersection between the Earth's four spheres. As such, it has a unique opportunity to give students an ability to become aware of, and better understand, the interconnectedness of the natural sciences that may otherwise be missed.
The syllabus maintains an equal focus on earth science and environmental science. Throughout the course, an emphasis is placed on the processes that bring about natural phenomena that can be observed all over the earth, including a student's local environment creating a sense of relevance and connectedness with the subject. There are opportunities for students to engage in contemporary earth science, including human impacts, climate science and resource management.
Support materials for the Earth and Environmental Science syllabus
The following support materials may be adapted by teachers to meet the individual needs of their schools.
Scope and sequence resources
Module resources Year 11
- Module 1 rocks and minerals unit plan (DOCX 59 KB)
- Module 3 energy transformations unit plan (DOCX 61 KB)
- Module 3 energy transformations assessment task (DOCX 51 KB)
- Module 3 energy transformations practical task (DOCX 274 KB)
- Module 4 water management student activity booklet (DOCX 80 KB)
- Module 4 depth study (DOCX 76 KB)
Module resources Year 12
- Module 5 guide (DOCX 320 KB)
- Module 6 guide (DOCX 96 KB)
- Module 6 hazards teaching and learning program (DOCX 77 KB)
- Module 6 magma viscosity tasks (DOCX 89 KB)
- Module 7 guide (DOCX 235 KB)
- Module 7 natural processes unit plan and booklet (DOCX 1111 KB)
- Module 7 Mangroves and rising sea level (DOCX 82 KB)
- Module 8 guide (DOCX 271 KB)
- Year 12 modules problem set (DOCX 3212 KB)
General resources
- Evaluating scientific investigations Stage 4 to 6 (DOCX 259 KB)
- Evaluating scientific investigations abridged (DOCX 70 KB)
- Indigenous perspectives (DOCX 57 KB)
- Inspired scientific thinking (DOCX 44 KB)
- Investigation planning sheet (DOCX 44 KB)
- Resource links (DOCX 81 KB)
- Risk analysis table (DOCX 45 KB)
- Self assessment strategy met not met I noticed (DOCX 53 KB)
- Student reflection science investigations (DOCX 151 KB)
- Working scientifically skills checklist (DOCX 46 KB)
External resources
The following websites may be useful for the teaching of Earth and Environmental Science:
- Australian Earth Science Education - presentations, investigations and readings mapped to the NSW Stage 6 curriculum
- Geoscience Australia - virtual exhibits, videos, teacher resource booklets and student activities
- Teacher Earth Science Education Programme (TESEP) - online and in the field professional learning for teachers, teaching resources and interactive online student resources
Please note:
Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Science Earth and Environmental Stage 6 Syllabus© NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2021.