Mathematics Growth Team

Find out about the Mathematics Growth Team and what it is doing to improve teaching and assessment practices in mathematics across targeted schools in NSW.

About this initiative

The Mathematics Growth Team (MGT) consists of school-based expert mathematics secondary teachers who are embedded in schools. They support, challenge and improve the teaching and assessment practices of mathematics educators in primary and secondary contexts. Their goal is to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics and redefine the mathematical mindsets of children, parents and communities.

The team comprises two streams:

  • MGT Trainers who are based in schools and work with teachers of mathematics across the school's network
  • MGT Embedded Instructional Leaders who develop instructional capacity and practices.

What we are doing

The Mathematics Growth Team amplifies the impact of expert mathematics teaching at targeted schools to:

  • strengthen mathematics leaders and build a new generation of mathematics teachers across NSW public schools
  • support evidence-based, best-practice assessment and teaching practices among mathematics educators.

What this achieves

  • Teaching quality and student learning outcomes in mathematics will improve.
  • Strengthen mathematics curriculum leadership and achieve pedagogical teaching culture change across NSW public schools.
  • Challenge and improve the teaching and assessment practices of mathematics educators in both primary and secondary contexts, and redefine the mathematical mindsets of children, parents and communities at large.
  • Strengthen the mathematics leadership in clusters of schools so that the profession can connect more effectively and transform practice.

About the Mathematics Growth Team

Watch Mathematics Growth Team Case Study video (4:59).

Find out about the impact the Mathematics Growth Team is having at Kooringal High School.

It's created a buzz about mathematics, not just in our faculty, but in the school, in the community. People are talking about mathematics.


There's an actual love of learning going on in those classrooms now that's been generated through the pedagogy that the Maths Growth Team have instilled across our maths teachers.


We are changing mindsets. I think it's really in such a short time been remarkable the conversations around mathematics.


The Mathematics Growth Team is a professional learning initiative that's all about supporting teachers to take evidence-based practices and implement them in the classroom.


Sometimes they are formalised professional learning workshops in timetabled slots within the school day. Other times it's team teaching and working with classroom teachers, trialling new resources, trialling new activities, being able to mentor individual teachers on a one-on-one basis.


Part of the strength in what they've brought to our school is the relationships they've been able to form and the rapport that they've built with staff and students. Very quickly they developed trust within the faculty and the wider school, and when people have trust and respect, that's where true growth and learning occur.


Teachers are always looking to improve their practice and as part of a trainer role we get to work with them to develop their goals and enable them to improve their practice as a classroom teacher.


Through the leadership skills I developed and the mathematical pedagogies we've researched and looked into, I really feel like it's developed myself as a leader and a teacher and has really allowed me to progress in my career and supported that growth.


Thomas and Emily in their roles have brought so much. You know, you've got to have the right people coming in. They don't just have the knowledge, but they have a really great way of being able to work with the staff and be able to see their strengths and guide them in that right direction and nurture those strengths.


We get to live and breathe the faculty, the school context, the school's needs to support the entire faculty at their point of need and move the whole faculty forward for, you know, their wants, their desires, and ultimately to increase what's happening in terms of student outcomes, engagement and academic achievement.


It's there five days a week, you know, six to seven hours a day. The availability to access people that have the skills to develop you as a teacher or have the strategies to develop you as a student is what sets it apart from other things that I've seen come into our school.


One of the critical features of being a trainer based in a school is that we still retain a teaching role which is really important for actually maintaining currency with classrooms and what's happening in the classroom.


So the Mathematics Growth Team is so different to ordinary professional learning delivery. Being in a rural school especially predominantly our PL is done online, and we very rarely get to have face to face professional learning.


But of paramount importance of what we are designed to do within a school faculty is to work with a diverse and broad range of teachers. At Kooringal High School, I've been lucky to work with teachers that have just started their mathematics teaching careers right up to people who are finishing their teaching careers. So we've been able to design and deliver professional learning for those individuals. Being able to generate a collaborative environment where professional learning takes on different formats.


It's always those conversations that people say are a positive thing about going on those professional learning experiences, especially when they're face to face and it's that networking. And so of course the Maths Growth Team experience has allowed us to do that on a daily basis. We have kind of our in-house PL going on constantly.


We love making sure that students have the best possible, most engaging experience of learning mathematics, which can be a really hard subject. But we actually have learned so many fantastic things about how to teach it effectively and that's what mathematics growth team trainers and embedded instructional leaders do around NSW.


I think in general the whole Maths Growth Team experience has ignited a spark in all of us, not just the team, but in the kids in the community. It's a buzz, you can feel it in the air and we're very grateful for the opportunity.

[End of transcript]

Learn about our work through case studies

Contact us

For more information about the Mathematics Growth Team, please email us and a member of the team will get back to you


  • Education support operations


  • Learning and development
  • Professional development
  • Teacher support

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
  • Public Schools
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