Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) microlearning

A suite of professional learning modules to assist in engaging with, and using AEDC data to support the development of policy and practice.

The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) microlearning course explores how to access and engage with the AEDC dataset. It also explores unconscious bias in data analysis and interpretation broadly and specifically within the context of the AEDC data reports.

This professional learning comprises of 11 modules. Participants are guided to reflect on their own context and plan how they can use the data to make evidence-based decisions. Participants also have an opportunity to reflect on how bias could influence how they interpret or respond to the AEDC data reports at the school or community level.

Throughout the modules, a range of examples are provided to demonstrate how schools and services have engaged with and interpreted their AEDC data to develop policy and improve practice.

Target audience

Preschools, early years and primary school educators, supervisors, leaders, community-based professionals and allied health professionals.

Mode of delivery

If you are a department employee and would like to track your progress, you can enrol in the course through MyPL.

Course code – NR36409

Course title – The Australian Early Development Census (staff only)

Duration – 4 hours (approximately 20 minutes per course).


  • AEDC


  • Early learning
  • Inclusive practice

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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