Stage 5 reading - Audience and purpose
Learning intention
Students will have opportunities to identify the purpose and audience of a range of texts.
Syllabus outcome (2022)
- EN5-RVL-01: uses a range of personal, creative and critical strategies to interpret complex texts
- EN5-URA-01: analyses how meaning is created through the use and interpretation of increasingly complex language forms, features and structures
National Literacy Learning Progression
Understanding texts
- UnT9: justifies an opinion or response by citing evidence from a text (comprehension); evaluates text for relevance to purpose and audience (comprehension); analyses how language in texts serves different purposes (identifies how descriptive language is used differently in informative and persuasive texts) (process)
- UnT10: explains how context (time, place, situation) influences interpretations of a text (comprehension); analyses the techniques authors use to position readers (comprehension); applies and articulates criteria to evaluate the structure, purpose or content of a text (process)
- UnT11; derive a generalisation from abstract ideas in texts (comprehension); analyses how authors manipulate language features, image and sound for a purpose - to create humour or playfulness (comprehension)
NAPLAN item descriptors
The relevant NAPLAN item descriptors are included in the resource, available via the Universal Resources Hub.
Task outline
Full task descriptions are included in the resource, available via the Universal Resources Hub.
To inform, entertain or persuade?
Students identify the audience and purpose in a range of texts.
Analysing texts
Students analyse texts for purpose and transform them for a new audience and purpose.
Character capers
Students develop a deep understanding of textual features and how an author’s choice of language and language features contributes to the meaning, purpose and audience of a narrative.