Stage 3 – first year English units

These sample units are designed for early concept development of Stage 3 outcomes, regardless of students’ year level. NSW students in Years 5 and 6 may work towards Stage 3 outcomes from the English K–10 (Years 3–6) Syllabus.

Teachers should exercise professional judgement in determining the suitability of teaching and learning experiences in meeting the needs of their students. These units are cumulative and are designed to be taught in numerical order.

A suggested term-by-term approach, aligned with the department’s scope and sequence is outlined below, including the mentor textual concept(s) and unit description.


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from English K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.

Unit 1 – Narrative

Students will develop a deeper understanding of how patterns in narratives set up expectations and notice when those patterns are subverted. They will further explore narrative conventions and characterisation, then apply this knowledge when creating their own science fiction narratives

Stage 3 First year – Unit 1 Narrative (DOCX 2.7 MB)

Unit 2 – Genre

Students will examine and experiment with texts that cross genres. For example, informative texts that also entertain and persuade. Students will create their own texts for different purposes that do not follow the form and function of a single genre. They will enhance their written texts by selecting appropriate multimodal features, including illustrations, maps, graphs and audio.

Stage 3 First year – Unit 2 Genre (DOCX 2.3 MB)

Unit 3 – Argument and authority

Students will use the mentor text to analyse representations of ideas in literature through genre that reflect ‘argument and authority’. Students will adapt these representations when creating a persuasive text and a hybrid text that does not follow the form and function of a single genre.

Stage 3 First year – Unit 3 Argument and authority (DOCX 1.1 MB)

Unit 4 – Imagery, symbol and connotation

Students will apply their understanding of imagery, symbol and connotation to analyse and experiment with composing different genres of poetry. They will identify how perspective is conveyed through authorial choices used in poetry. Students will use figurative language and a range of literary devices to collaboratively create and perform a slam poem that evokes an emotional response from an audience.

Stage 3 First year – Unit 4 Imagery, symbol and connotation (DOCX 1.6 MB)

Unit 5 – Characterisation

Students will deepen their understanding of the textual concepts of characterisation and narrative. They will explore narrative conventions and patterns and use these effectively to craft engaging stories. Students will enhance their narrative insight by examining how characters reflect or defy traditional archetypes and stereotypes. This unit encourages students to write narratives inspired by personal experiences and draw on their knowledge of characterisation.

Stage 3 First year – Unit 5 Characterisation (DOCX 4.82 MB)

Unit 6 – Perspective and context

In this 5-week unit, which serves as the sequel to Unit 5, students will engage with the concepts of perspective and context and theme. They will explore how the author uses different viewpoints to enrich the story, focusing on the themes of friendship, resilience, growth, and change. The unit combines critical analysis with creative writing by composing poetry that captures the novel's themes and messaging. It then moves to a comprehensive writing task where students research, plan, draft, edit, publish, and present a blog post inspired by the narrative.

Stage 3 First year – Unit 6 Perspective and context (DOCX 2.98 MB)

Unit 7 – Imagery, symbol and connotation

In this 5-week unit, students will learn about the textual concepts of imagery, symbol and connotation and narrative. Students will explore cultural narratives to identify the difference in purpose between Dreaming Stories and Songlines. They will investigate how authors use symbols and imagery to share cultural perspectives in literature and analyse how figurative language enhances meaning. Students will be guided to create and present their own informative podcast about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, traditions and languages.

Stage 3 First year – Unit 7 Imagery, symbol and connotation (DOCX 4.37 MB)

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